Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thematic Teaching Units

Thematic units are a great way to connect different subjects with one another in a unifying way. Thematic units should be education based and interesting for the students.

While observing a second grade classroom, I was introduced to the concept of thematic units. Everything that the class was doing was involved frogs. All of the spelling words dealt with something to do with frogs. For science, the students learned the life cycle of frogs as they transformed from tadpoles.

Thematic lessons are a fun way to unify subjects. Ideas for thematic lessons are available on different websites including Scholastic.com.

Top 7 Reasons to Become a Teacher

There are many different reasons why people choose to become a teacher. Some people believe that it is because of the time off for holidays and summer, but there are more influential reasons why people choose teaching as a profession. According to http://k6educators.about.com/od/becomingateacher/tp/whyteach.htm, the top 7 reasons to teach are:
1.) The energizing environment- they mean that everyday is different in a classroom, and it is almost impossible to become bored.

2.) The schedule- although teachers have a lot of out of class work to deal with, including grading and lesson plans, they do not have to work weekends and other times throughout the years.

3.) Your personality and humor- teaching allows for an individual to display their individual personality, where many office jobs do not.

4.) Job security- the world will always need teachers.

5.) Intangible rewards- this can be best described by that "light bulb moment" when students finally understand a topic that they had been struggling on.

6.) Inspiring Students- elementary teachers especially still have the opportunity to shape the lives of students, and teachers have a big impact on a child's future thoughts about school.

7.) Giving back to the community- essentially making a difference in the world.

What is Elementary Education??

Elementary Education is also known as primary education, grade school, and grammar school in the United States. Elementary education generally begins in kindergarten, and ends in fifth grade before the student reaches junior high or middle school. In most elementary schools, students have one single teacher who teaches all of the different subjects, but will leave the classroom for physical education and music education, as well as lunch and recess.

Teachers are required to receive a teaching degree in order to teach in elementary schools. During college, a teacher could receive an elementary education degree which allows the individual to teach kindergarten through ninth grade. An individual could also receive an early childhood education degree which allows them to teach birth through third grade.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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